Africa has the highest number of youth in the whole world, and some of the most fertile soils – the two combined could be a force to promote agricultural development!

Foundation for Young Farmers

Originally published on the Agriculture and Ecosystems blog:

Youth engaging youth in agriculture

Africa has the youngest population in the world; over 200 million people are between ages 15 and 24 and the African Economic Outlooks expects this number to double by 2045. It is easy to see why youth have become such an important part of Africa Agricultural Science Week (AASW), which is taking place right now in Accra, Ghana. This year’s theme is ‘Africa Feeding Africa Through Agricultural Science and Innovation’.

How can we make agriculture an attractive option for youth? Photo: CGIAR Climate on Flickr
How can we make agriculture an attractive option for youth? Photo: CGIAR Climate on Flickr

For Africa to be able to feed itself, agriculture needs to become a more attractive option for youth. Otherwise, the current trend of young people migrating out of rural agricultural areas and into cities in search of bigger, better jobs will leave Africa with a shortage of farmers.  As Maureen…

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